HairyFool please do not throw in confusers;
Let us be clear: I am not talking about Unix - Linux running servers. I am not talking about Apple Mac OS-X either, nor mobile phone or tablets. Just my Dell laptop running Linux Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with the option of running Winslow10. So I am well placed to compare the two OS and AV on the same laptop.
Rather than taking advice from some bloke down the pub I will stay with Ubuntu and PCworld advice: “Using an antivirus is completely unnecessary for desktop Linux users.” as I have done for the past year and have no interest “protecting the Windows computers from themselves” or slowing down my super-fast laptop with AV software - free or otherwise.
As for “even Linux has to be at risk otherwise that would mean the user can't actually do anything at all.” - I use the web, email, Libre Office, Gimp, FreeCAD, Audacity, Shotwell and other software from the secure repository from where updates are also provided - without problem and super-fast to boot! Reluctantly I had to give up much loved FireFox and AVG when they changed their privacy policies and became part of the problem. Used to run Firefox for many years with Addblock and NoScript plug-ins; astonishing how many scripts are running on your computer when you visit a web page - perhaps even our own forum? Don’t use goggle or chrom either for different reasons. To those who understand: I very rarely use the command line as admin and then only to stop Avahi running. This is just one reason Ubuntu is inherently safe as there is no access to the root other than admin and the secure update and software repository.
Thank heaven that I no longer have to use Winslows, McAfee or any other AV or update them continually or wonder what all those scripts are doing.
Please be aware of scammers - if it sounds to good to be true then it probably isn’t.